Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday's visit to the District Office

Today was the first day for our Brazilian principals to visit our school system and I wanted them to meet some key administrators in the district office.  We began with a visit with Superintendent Denia Reese.  Mrs. Reese gave an overview of the system, explained her role of ensuring that the system's strategic plan is followed and answered questions about funding.
Mrs. Reese gives overview of system

A meeting with the Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Kim Nichols, and a visit with the finance staff gave us a good idea of how schools are funded in Georgia.  Dr. Nichols explained how the staff each has specific duties for maintaining the school's budget.
With Dr. Nichols
With Finance Office Staff
A meeting with Damon Raines, Facilities Director, was excellent to get an understanding how he oversees transportation and student nutrition as well as sees that our buildings are clean and well maintained.  Mr. Raines coordinates any building projects and explained that our newest school, Heritage High School, was completed three years ago and we are now in the planning stage for a new elementary school. 
Discussing facilities with Damon Raines

Jack Sims, Director of Student Services, discussed his role.  We compared how discipline is dealt with in Brazil as compared to the US.  
Jack Sims explains how counselors and nurses are an integral part of our schools.

A meeting with Doug Cline, Human Resource Director, helped the international principals understand the hiring process.  There are many differences in the way teachers are certified and assigned to positions in the two systems.  Mr. Cline shared how teachers are evaluated by principals in the US.
Meeting with Mr. Cline

Lunch at a favorite diner, Aunt Effie's, was a great way to introduce Brazilians to true southern fare.

Becky Conner reviewed how special education laws are administered in the US and emphasized the importance of educating students with their peers.  We found there are many similarities to special education in the US as is in Brazil.

Discussing Special Education
Steve Sawyer explained the difficulty of trying to maintain and fund computers for seventeen schools.  We realized that the Brazilian high schools use some of the same software as our high schools.

Finally, we stopped on the way home at a local sporting goods store to check out the Nike shoes.  Even after a full day of work, we found the energy for a little shopping!

Tomorrow we will visit Heritage High School.  After seeing pictures of the school in Mr. Raines office, our international principals are excited about seeing this beautiful facility.

1 comment:

  1. Great to have our Brazilian friends here in Catoosa County!! Looking forward to them attending our Family Collaborative meeting on
    Thursday morning!
